Very clever porn link building and social media explotation

The porn industry has always been pretty clever when it comes to creating links and marketing their sites. Obviously it is such a competitive vertical that they are always trying to get one up on each other (No pun intended). Unlike the rest of the SEO world that can game sites like and it is very hard for the porn industry to infiltrate the masses so when they do it is in a very clever way.John Bukkake

Let me introduce to you Professor John Bukkake, what a strange name you ask. Well for anyone who knows what joys Bukkake is all about you will find it even stranger that he is a facial dermatologist at the University of Calcutta. Finding this a little hard to believe i decided to click through the links of the site to eventually find myself transported to an actual Bukkake movie download site.

You see, what those clever porn seo’s have done is to create a page which is so unbelievable that it is funny, the masses over at digg and reddit can’t beleive that something so funny would exist so they digg/vote it up without looking over any of the external links on the site. This generates a great buzz, and some seriously good links in to the John Bukkake page which then links out to the porn sites.

I wouldn’t be suprised if they 301 the domain to the porn site after a couple of days either.

So in closing this is a by the book method of gaming social network sites, you need to be extremely creative but it will pay off.

Edited to add:
I have seen this kind of idea before on a lawyer site. Basically they had the lawyer in question pull a stupid face for his profile picture on his site. After the crowds started linking at such a silly picture being shown on a very professional site they switched it back to his normal profile pic. They generated a ton of back links from authority sites such as digg’s front page.

Edit 2:
Looks like they are cloaking the J Bukkake page so that if your not a human then you 301 straight through to the actual err proper content.

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Paul Ferron
Paul Ferron
16 years ago

Sell that to your clients…..surfing porn indeed..:)

15 years ago

That type of 'shock' link baiting isn't exclusive to the porn industry although very clever nonetheless.

13 years ago
Reply to  brianmitchell

This is just the kind of stuff Matt Cutts talks about in his Link Bait article. Good eye Chewie 🙂
14 years ago

hahaha very clever.

seo for home builders
14 years ago

But there is also a building wave of criticism that includes the charge that … If I can put it this way, I think it’s a very, very clever exploitation of an opportunity, …