I have been really slack with the blog over the last week or two, its mainly been through the amount of stuff i am trying to get through both at work and at home. To try and combat this i am opening up the blog to some guest posters, the first post will follow tomorrow and will be by Gab Goldenberg of SeoRoi. Gab is well known and well respected in the world of SEO and his posts will be about the ethics of blackhat.
My other guest blogger (who we will see next week) is a chap called Sean Mauger who runs an equestrian clothing website. Even though he is not as well known as Gab he certainly has a good head on his shoulders and will be taking more of a marketing look at the industry as opposed to my random thoughts or more technical posts.
Hopefully we can continue this in the future so the blog gets a bit more diversity, if your reading this and feel you might be interested in blogging or have something to add then just pop me an email using dean@chewie.co.uk.
I will be getting back to normal with the blogging in about a week so hopefully posts wont be so far apart in the future.